Friday, February 18, 2011

Eckel camping 2010

                       Curtis and Uncle Matt drove the boys up in the ol' minvan with some stuff in the back
                                               Casey and Sam, great friends and cousins

                                                            Claire, Casey, Sam and Quinn

                                                            Stephen, Timothy and Casey
                                                                 Quinn and Elizabeth

                               These kids know how to show affection.   I hope that's affection.
                                                                    Brian kickin' back

                              Greg, Chris and Betsy.   Not my black friend Betsy, a different Betsy.
                                                                    Casey and Curtis

                                        Seriously love these kids...Samuel, Casey and Timothy


                                           Grandpa Eckelkamp, or as some call him,"Gandolf"
                                               Quinn and Julia you look nothing alike

                                                                     Bradley we love ya

Nicholas we love you too!!  Same birthday as your triplet cousins, that's crazy!

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